This is how I got here.

It wasn't easy for me, but I'll make it easy for you.

Hey, I'm Cody.

Up until 2022, I lived the 9-5 life. Waking up every morning to chase someone else’s dream for a check that really wasn’t worth the effort.The truth is… I was burnt out. Tired of clocking in, tired of earning the same monthly check, tired of being someone else for the sake of someone else. Let that sink in.Life seemed good - from the outside. But on the inside, I needed freedom. I needed a way out.This made me wonder, “How can I make more by doing less?” Obvious answer: By starting my own business. Then that lead to me to think, “How can I start a business without the pressure of building a business?” By making sure I do something that I’m good at and something I love enough to keep doing over an extended period of time.So that's when I decided to start building my personal brand and monetizing my skills.I went all in on creating content that builds authority and positions me as an expert, using the content to build trust and drive people towards my services & digital products.My very first product was a plug-n-play template: 72 LinkedIn Hooks. I was scared to charge anything for it, but I just put a random number on it and launched. Over 50 people bought it within the first day.This is when I knew I was onto something. Actually making money from my OWN name. That's when everything changed for me.Since then, I've been able to raise my yearly income to over $145k/year, working from my little old laptop - anywhere I want in the world.You may be wondering why I'm telling you all of this... it's because you can do it too - but faster.

Digital Paradise 🌴

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